📅 Weekly note for 5-9 February 2024

This started off as a daily not for Monday, and has been sat in draft all week as I add more and more to it… Had a proper chance to watch this and read about it – “Place-Based Public Service Budgets: Making Public Money Work Better for Communities”. Nice bit of big picture thinking around … Keep reading

How not to get fired

Great post by Neil Williams on how civil servants can approach blogging in a way that means they will get readers but won’t lose their jobs: Starting up your own personal blog is dead easy. Unless you’re a civil servant and want to talk about your work. If you are, then you face this choice: … Keep reading

Yay! Another Govblogger!

A big welcome to the blogosphere to Neil Williams, all round good government web egg, who has started a blog called Mission Creep. He says in his opening post: It genuinely feels like exciting, important things are starting to happen in government’s use of web right now. It just got really interesting, and I’m going … Keep reading