🧑‍💻 Movements

I have rehosted this blog, which seems to have worked ok. Well, if you’re reading this, it must have! One side effect is that anyone subscribed to the RSS feed may well have suddenly received a bunch of old posts popping up as a result. Just mark ’em as read and move on, there’s nothing … Keep reading

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A quick administrative note. If you can see this post, it means that my blog has successfully rehosted. Apologies for any inconvenience – if you spot anything not working, broken links and so on, please do let me know.

Bookmarks for August 18th through September 8th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Civic Commons code-sharing initiative bids to reduce government IT costs – "Around the United States, city governments have created a multitude of software. Unfortunately, most of the time the code from those projects is not shared between municipalities, which results in duplication of effort and … Keep reading