Social networking and other tools of engagement

Here are the slides from my talk at Public Sector Forums in Birmingham yesterday. Hopefully they make some kind of sense…

Engagement through social networking

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: psf)

It was an interesting day and I had some great conversations with delegates. The main issues seem to be – as you might be able to guess – the blocking of social web sites in the workplace, and convincing managers and politicians of the value of this type of work.

Some of the other talks were fascinating – not least Dan Champion‘s accessibility assault on web 2.0, which also provided solutions to some of the problems; and Lincolnshire County Council’s use of advertising on their corporate website as a revenue stream. There are plenty of arguments to be had about that one, I’m sure.

It was also a real pleasure to meet one of the other speakers, Medway Council’s Simon Wakeman, whose excellent blog I have been following for a while. Simon spoke with a good deal of knowledge and authority about how Councils should be approaching the use of the web on mobile devices – which will be an increasingly important channel in the future. You can find Simon’s slides here.

Thanks to Ian Dunmore, Jack Pickard, Ian Cuddy and others for laying on such a great event.

8 thoughts on “Social networking and other tools of engagement”

  1. Hi Dave fab slideshow, and rings terribly true here in the wilds of north east wales
    1 County out of five has an RSS feed.
    1 using you tube and yes the particular county I live in blocks social networking in an effort to stop employess “wasting time” and the council being criticised.
    It also has the impact of losing the sharing of good practise and collaboration.
    Digital inclusion more like digital exlusion if you ask me -stopping the very people they need to engage with because its too much hard work.
    Rant over………………well done Dave

  2. Hey Dave.

    Great slides – lots of new things I’d not seen before.

    Given you did mention shameless plugging of things in the slides; they explore social networking and engagement; and we’ll hopefully be getting more people to hear your inputs through it, can I give a slightly shameless plug to the Youth Participation and Social Network Sites action learning set I’m helping run next year?

    Details here:

    And I’ll be pointing everyone who signs up back to these slides as a great starting point for thinking about the potential… 🙂


  3. Late to the party! Finally got round to checking out your notes and I think I get the gist. Made me even more disappointed I missed out on your talk and the opportunity to share thoughts. 🙁

    A lot of the stuff you covered, though, is the direction I’m hoping to drive things here over the next year or so. Looking forward to talking more in the future and hope we can collaborate on the project at PSF…

  4. Great slides, might re-use some of this with your kind permission. The ‘if you don’t build it, someone else will’ is a powerful message for the reticent traditionalists. Would love to catch up with you when you get time for a coffee, give me a shout. I have news to impart.

  5. Hi Dave

    I’m really interested in social networking from a local authority point of view and unfortunately couldn’t attend the event in Birmingham. Is there any chance you could email me the slideshow as (would you believe it?) my access to SlideShare is blocked?

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