DavePress comments powered by IntenseDebate

I’ve just moved the comments on this blog to the IntenseDebate system. It adds quite a bit of functionality to the comments, including threaded discussions (which are part of the new version 2.7 of WP, but I haven’t upgraded just yet…) and the ability to rate comments as useful or not (assuming you are logged into an IntenseDebate account).

If you have an account, it also means that you can keep a track of the comments you make on other blogs that use the IntenseDebate system, which also produces an RSS feed. The other useful thing for blog owners is that while the comments are hosted by IntenseDebate for the purposes of their services, a mirror of them is still held in your WordPress database, so you switch back to a more traditional way of doing comments without losing anything.

I still think there is an opportunity for a more open way of tracking comments around the web – at the moment the solutions are either tied into everyone using the same service – whether IntenseDebate or something like CoComment – or people doing their own thing, like Steph Gray who tags the blog posts he comments on with a certain keyword in Delicious, the feed from which he then republishes in his blog sidebar.

Anyway, I’d appreciate any feedback you have on my use of Intense Debate here on DavePress.

8 thoughts on “DavePress comments powered by IntenseDebate”

  1. Am liking the use of Delicious to track comments. Nice and simple and ties in with my general web patterns. Link to the permalink for the comment and copy the comment body into the Notes box. Once I've built up a few I'll maybe integrate it into my blog somewhere.

  2. Yeah, it seems to work well. For those that have automatic delicious postings to their blog it might get annoying, but I am sure it is possible to get postalicious to exclude certain tags? The other issue for me would be remembering to do it!

    • Postilicious has a great filtering system. I have one delicious account feeding into at least three blogs, one automatically posting links to peteashton.com the other two holding them as drafts which I then edit for publication. Currently I've been dragging posts I've commented on into a folder on the toolbar which is so old-school it hurts. This doesn't add too much to the process and means I can generate pages like this:


  3. have used Intense Debate in my wordpress blog it ultimately failed synchronizing with old wordpress comments and then I switched to Disqus. It had lot of issues too. Now I am finally with the comment form comes with theme.

  4. I am trying to use Intense Debate and Disqus. Do you think that Intense Debate is better than Disqus, Dave? If you were me, which one will you use? Please give me some ideas !!!!

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