Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Enyo JavaScript Application Framework – "Use the same framework to develop apps for the web and for all major platforms, desktop and mobile." Features | Re-usable Drupal recipes for government websites – Nice New Zealand government site sharing open source compontents for Drupal for gov webbies … Keep reading

Akismet now has stats!

Akismet is a plugin for WordPress (and a few other platforms) which helps combat the problem of comment spam. That when ne’erdowells come on your blog and post nonsense comments in the hope pick click the links in them to buy some viagra, or invest in a Nigerian lottery winning syndicate. Dealing with this stuff … Keep reading

Tracking conversations

Sounds like is going to solve the issue of bringing my comments back to my blog, better than Co-comment does (which seems borked at the moment?). From Mike Butcher at Techcrunch UK: is tapping into some powerful ideas floating around right now. ReadWriteWeb reckons the conversation has left the blogosphere and leading entrepreneurs … Keep reading