IDeA Performance

This Friday (9th January 2009) the Improvement and Development Agency and LARCI are holding an event entitled Performance management plus: the next stage of performance management for operational improvement. Sounds like heavy stuff, but with a great mixture of speakers and workshop sessions I’m sure it will be a great day.

I have a little involvement with the event, though, because one of the people behind the event is IDeA’s own social media evangelist Ingrid Koehler, who fancied applying some of the ideas from my work in Sweden with Cisco to this event, and another one which is coming up at the end of the month.

IDeA Perfomance

To this end, we have created a site very much along the lines of the Cisco08 one (if it ain’t broke, right?) with a few modifications. There is going to be some blogging, bookmarking with delicious, flickr photos, video interviews and of course the Twitter backchannel – all aggregated on the front page. The tag to use in any content you would like to contribute is ideaperf – so tag away!

We really going to try to apply some of the principles described by David Wilcox in terms of creating a ‘social learning space’ – we want to make it possible for those not attending to play a part in what happens at these events – and for the conversations and shared learning to carry on afterwards for as long as is required.

So, anyone with an interest in local government performance management – do visit the site before, during and after Friday’s get together: share what you know, and find answers to your questions!

3 thoughts on “IDeA Performance”

  1. What a great idea, well done. The Cisco08 coverage was excellent. It's a great idea to do something similar for other events. Providing that quality of coverage certainly makes the event a lot more accessible and thus greatly increases the value of the event. I won't be following this one (though I might take a peek every now and then) but I'll certainly be pointing it out to our performance management and improvement team.

  2. Fantastic. I'm really excited about this. Steven, if you're interest isn't in PM, then this probably isn't going to be the event for you (though obviously you can follow along for the structure and flow if not for the content) – but I would be thrilled if you passed along to your performance and improvement team.

    I'm chairing the event on Friday, so can't do much social reporting. But at the event at the end of the month I plan to be very much in there reporting and generating content – and I think I'm even more excited about that.

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