Upgrading WordPress

With the release of WordPress 2.7.1, I realised it is about time I upgraded this blog to the latest version – not least since having played with it on some other sites I work on, I have realised how awesome it is.

I’ll be following the excellent instructions provided on the WordPress codex.

Things might be screwy round here for a little while as I get everything reconfigured. Bear with me.

2 thoughts on “Upgrading WordPress”

  1. I did my first upgrade using the built-in Auto Upgrade thing yesterday, and it was fantastic. Almost too easy actually; I don’t like the idea of clients just pressing the button without realizing the possible consequences.

  2. Yup, am looking forward to that once 2.7.2 is out!

    As for clients pressing the button – am sure there is, or will be, some plugin magic to turn off the auto-upgrade stuff.

    My issue now is that I want to have some of the 2.7 functionality turned on in this theme – like threaded comments – but I’m not sure it will work. Not wanting to do another redesign but am still not really happy that I have the blog/business balance right here.

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