Upgrading WordPress

With the release of WordPress 2.7.1, I realised it is about time I upgraded this blog to the latest version – not least since having played with it on some other sites I work on, I have realised how awesome it is. I’ll be following the excellent instructions provided on the WordPress codex. Things might … Keep reading

WordPress 2.6 out now

The WordPress development blog has announced the release of a new version of the world’s best blogging software. Some of the big improvements include: the ability to compare versions of posts, wiki-style, tracking who changed what – great for multi-user blogs; a new dynamic bookmarklet to help quick posting; the inclusion of Google Gears to … Keep reading


…this blog to WordPress 2.5. Possible weirdness ahead! Update: upgrade went fine, with the exception that my theme got overwritten, and my backup wasn’t complete. Hence why you might be looking at the boring old default theme. Am on the lookout for a new one, as rebuilding the old would be too depressing. Any suggestions … Keep reading