#lgworkforce – Sharing management successfully

Chris Elliott, Head of Transformation at Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and High Peak Borough Council shows how to make the most of a joint chief executive, how to bring services together to save costs and how to best spread best practice.

  • Both excellent councils, semi-rural market town environment. Similar population, adjacent boundaries.
  • But different counties and government regions!
  • It ‘feels’ different. Everyone has to work differently. Greater emphasis on people. Challenging every activity.
  • Double the number of members!
  • Was considered a takeover at one stage but no longer
  • Cultural differences
  • Flexibility is key
  • More secure by the day
  • The role of management – the tiers of management – what should the be doing? Directors, Heads of Service, Service Managers. Strategic, transformational, operational
  • Enablers – IT, procurement, change. Also legal, HR and comms.
  • Methodology, toolsets and quick wins
  • Resource strategy alignment
  • Got external consultants to produce high level business case
  • Programme began quickly (be quick and be bold!)
  • Potential projects mapped in terms of difficulty and transformative impact
  • Member led initiative – concordat –  2 pager – and governance. Need for scrutiny and reality check
  • Sense of urgency driven by budget issues. Message to staff – support this or there may have to be compulsory redundancies.
  • Importance of engaging stakeholders
  • Situation now: joint CEO and Snr m’ment team, joint ICT, procurement and transformation teams, joint property services, joint environmental health team, joint grounds maintenance service.
  • Measures: VFM, customer service, public recognition and satisfaction, improved quality of life for residents
  • Observations:
    • exception processes everywhere
    • Measuring the wrong things
    • Make waste visible
    • Help people to let go
    • ICT is a barrier – or is it? – Now at 35% shared IT systems. 80% by next year
    • Management competency
    • Use lean leanly
    • Procurement = 50% of budgets
    • Simple is better
  • Service heads have to own transformation process
  • Don’t create IT wish list
  • Pain is inevitable
  • Two councils = easy benchmarking
  • Don’t forget the supply chain
  • People first
  • Think process not tech
  • Be ruthless with waste
  • Make status quo unacceptable
  • Kotter – 8 reasons transformation projects fail
  • Grow your own, be prepared to learn
  • It’s easy to complicate things
  • Know when to stop

7 thoughts on “#lgworkforce – Sharing management successfully”

  1. Thanks Russell – never sure how useful these context-free bullets are. But this is an interesting agenda and it’s good to spread the word.

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