ScotGovCamp coming real soon

ScotGovCampThe latest GovCamp is happening at the end of this month, on 31st July in Edinburgh, and it’s naturally called ScotGovCamp. Learning Pool are delighted to be sponsoring the event.

These events are always good value, and it will be great to be at one up in Scotland where there will be a lot of new faces, and the chance to meet online acquaintances in real life!

There are still a few tickets left, and you can pick one up here.

Great work by Lesley Thomson and colleagues in getting this together.

2 thoughts on “ScotGovCamp coming real soon”

  1. Thanks Dave

    And we are really really delighted that Learning Pool are sponsoring the event! And also that there will be a Learning Pool contingent there!

    PS. It’s Thomson without the P 🙂

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