ScotGovCamp tickets available

The wonderful Lesley Thomson has once again put together ScotGovCamp for another year. It takes place in Aberdeen on Saturday, September 24. All the details and booking is here. Don’t forget the event blog and networking group. Not sure if I will make it as I’m heading north of the border for the Epic Social … Keep reading


Good news for all ScotGovCampers! As well as Learning Pool sponsoring ScotGovCamp, we are hosting some pre-event drinks on Friday night in Edinburgh! Kicking off at 6pm at the Apex International Hotel in the Grassmarket, it will be a great informal way to get everyone together before the event, getting all the introductions and stuff … Keep reading

ScotGovCamp coming real soon

The latest GovCamp is happening at the end of this month, on 31st July in Edinburgh, and it’s naturally called ScotGovCamp. Learning Pool are delighted to be sponsoring the event. These events are always good value, and it will be great to be at one up in Scotland where there will be a lot of … Keep reading