Daily note for 12 May 2023

My birthday passed without incident. Some lovely messages from folk, and some delightful gifts, including some impressively chunky history books, those Penguin ones with the orange spines that look so fabulous on a shelf. Also Peter Rex’s book on Hereward the Wake, which I am really looking forward to. OneTeamGov for local government this morning, … Keep reading

Daily note for 10 May 2023

I’ve been rubbish publishing here for a couple of weeks. Been super busy, is my excuse. Nice to see one of my blogging inspirations Lloyd is trying something similar. https://perfectpath.co.uk/2023/05/03/wednesday-may-3rd-2023/ Books – am currently reading The Ruin of all Witches by Malcolm Gaskill, which is just terrific. I find the early days of the USA … Keep reading

Daily note for 26 April 2023

No note yesterday, it was a busy day launching our recruitment campaign https://jobs.digitalbirmingham.org/ Interesting article about a wonderful song https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/apr/24/wayne-coyne-flaming-lips-do-you-realize Great win for Forest tonight! Danilo scored, which shows how much I know. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/65319930 Got an enquiry about another council wanting to set up a blog on localgov.blog – this makes me happy. https://localgov.blog/

Daily note for 24 April 2023

How Elon Musk Turned the Blue Checkmark Into a Scarlet Letter – I will never tire of stories that point out what a berk Musk is. https://slate.com/technology/2023/04/elon-musk-twitter-blue-checkmarks-verification-lebron-james.html Leading Charities in a Digital Society https://public.digital/2023/04/24/leading-charities-in-a-digital-society