My current favourite toy

Just before Christmas, and as a bit of a Christmas treat for myself, I bought an iPad mini with retina display and 3g mobile broadband access (ie not the wifi only model). I love it. Up til now my tablet of choice was a second generation Nexus 7, produced by Asus but sanctioned by Google … Keep reading

iPads and apps

I’ve been playing with a new iPad recently – and I love it. The screen resolution on these things literally has to be seen to be believed. I had an original iPad before – the one without a camera – and it was also a wifi only one, without a mobile data plan. The result … Keep reading

John Naughton on the iPad

So true: The iPad is great for some things, but hopeless for others. I’ve had one since its launch in 2010 and I use it every day. It has a terrific battery life, springs instantly to life when opened, is robust and portable and, when fitted with a sim card, provides good connectivity on the … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Towards Effective Corporate Communications: Let Your Engineers do the Talking – For engineers, replace with any front line public sector worker! John Naughton on The Waste Land app – Great example of cloud culture, or how digital technologies can enhance cultural experiences. Councils need a … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Civility in service | Public Strategist – "Civil servants should understand the constraints they accept as part of the job. They – and everybody else – should understand the limitations on public speech (not quite the same thing) which are part of the deal." Using … Keep reading