My current favourite toy

Just before Christmas, and as a bit of a Christmas treat for myself, I bought an iPad mini with retina display and 3g mobile broadband access (ie not the wifi only model). I love it. Up til now my tablet of choice was a second generation Nexus 7, produced by Asus but sanctioned by Google … Keep reading

iPads and apps

I’ve been playing with a new iPad recently – and I love it. The screen resolution on these things literally has to be seen to be believed. I had an original iPad before – the one without a camera – and it was also a wifi only one, without a mobile data plan. The result … Keep reading

John Naughton on the iPad

John Naughton‘s Observer piece on the iPad is well worth reading in full: It’s when one tries to use the iPad for generating content that its deficiencies become obvious. The biggest flaw is the absence of multitasking, so you have to close one app to open another, which is a bit like going back to the … Keep reading