Simple, free collaboration using internet tools

Since joining the steering group for LocalGov Digital, I’ve been getting back into the swing of things when it comes to working remotely with people spread across the country. In 2018 it feels like an obvious point to make, but the internet really does make this stuff easy. However, knowing how things are inside many … Keep reading

Collaboration or cooperation?

Stowe Boyd is a great writer on technology and the impact it has on organisational culture. You can follow his blog here, which is updated several times a day with great titbits and articles. He has written a post for the CMSWire website, entitled The Fall of Collaboration, The Rise of Cooperation which is a … Keep reading

Experiments in social learning

Social learning is a really interesting concept. It’s basically the idea that we can often learn better from each other rather than from an expert or teacher.

There’s an obvious usage for the internet and the kind of social tools I write about here in social learning, and an additional argument in favour of making them available within organisations.