Tools I use for learning

Recently, as part of a survey of members of the Social Learning Centre, I put together a list of ten sites or apps I use a lot in my own learning activity. Actually, I thought ten was rather a lot, so to share it here, I thought I’d whittle it down to half that number.
I think it’s useful to always remind yourself of the tools you use regularly in your own activity, particularly if you spend time designing sites, systems and platforms for others to use.

Anyway, hit ‘Read more’ to see the list.

Bookmarks for October 3rd through October 19th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Solace 2010 write up; Localism, hash tags and a reflection on priorities – Great write up from Catherine Howe. Thriving too: Big Society: Yours Mine and Ours – "So how do smaller networks, organisations and projects engage with Big Society if they don’t feel completely … Keep reading