A thought…

…that’s occurred to me since being at Online Information last week. People still seem to be under the impression that having a forum on a website, whether internal or external, means you have a community. You don’t. A community needs so much more than just that. But it seems for a lot of people, the … Keep reading

Every community needs a killer app

Tomorrow is a big day for me – I have an interview for a new job outside of local government but still in the public sector which is going to make me heavily involved in community building, both on and offline. It seems pretty much perfectly suited to what I want to be doing and I … Keep reading

Google: Not just Search

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to most people reading this blog that Google provides a number of services other than their traditional business area of web search. Many of the tools can be used as part of an online community environment, indeed it’s possibly to build an entire platform – albeit one spread amongst … Keep reading