Think Digital

I’ve found myself banging on a lot recently at events and other engagements about pretty much the same stuff. It’s what organisations need to do to grasp the digital opportunity – but which isn’t about actual tools on the internet. At least, not just about that. Embedded below is the first attempt I have made … Keep reading

Founders at Work

Am currently reading, and very much enjoying Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston of Y Combinator. It’s basically lots of interviews with founders of companies that were once startups about what life was like in the early days. The book’s blurb sells it well: Founders at Work is a collection of interviews with founders of famous technology companies … Keep reading

Making remote work work

A key part of working smarter is the idea of flexible or remote working. One neat way of describing it is that work isn’t a place you go to, it’s what you do. There’s a lot of misunderstanding though about this concept, with it often being seen as a perk for an individual employee, say, rather … Keep reading