Daily note for 8 August 2023

A 17 minute video on web accessibility. Lovely! https://gcs.civilservice.gov.uk/webinars/digital-accessibility-best-practice-essentials-2/ An explainer from some clever people about AI and public services: https://public.digital/2023/08/08/what-public-digital-thinks-about-ai-the-short-read “Dear Alt-Twitter Designers: It’s about the network!” http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2023/07/19/dear-alt-twitter-designers-its-about-the-network.html “How common platforms deliver brilliant digital services” https://gds.blog.gov.uk/2023/08/08/how-common-platforms-deliver-brilliant-digital-services/ Some intresting points on the political side of tech policy – “Manifesto manifestation” https://blangry.medium.com/manifesto-manifestation-877001398ed0 “Wigan Council and residents … Keep reading

Daily note for 3 August 2023

How did I not know about this? Emulated Macs going back to the original, all in the browser: https://infinitemac.org/ Fairly pointless, but amazing. “How to play Mundane Superhero” https://smithery.com/2023/08/03/how-to-play-mundane-superhero/ – looks a fun way to kick off workshops etc. “Council Spotlight: Stockport’s Family Context tool” https://medium.com/ldcu/council-spotlight-stockports-family-context-tool-5cb0eb3e4e51 “Why Open Source Matters” https://redmonk.com/sogrady/2023/08/03/why-opensource-matters/

Daily note for 2 August 2023

This is an extremely important thread for anyone wanting to understand the financial pressures felt across local government (and no, it’s not related to solar farms…) https://twitter.com/JackTShaw/status/1683415430126247936 Following on from my post about where we are with digital and technology in local government, I have been trying to put some thought into an idea around … Keep reading

Daily note for 1 August 2023

Not published one of these for a while. Newsletter went out yesterday, with a long article I wrote at the weekend about the local digital declaration and where things are at: https://www.davebriggs.email/p/daveslist-volume-3-issue-7 Some great, addictive little browser games in here: https://kottke.org/23/07/your-favorite-addictive-flash-games-back-from-the-dead Does the browser need reimagining? These folk seem to think so: https://arc.net/ – I … Keep reading

Daily note for 26 July 2023

I sent a newsletter – https://www.davebriggs.email/p/daveslist-volume-3-issue-6 “Maybe the real design tool was all the conversation we had along the way” https://www.dxw.com/2023/07/maybe-the-real-design-tool-was-all-the-conversation-we-had-along-the-way/ Am consistently impressed with dxw’s blogging. Always authentic, always helpful. Very rarely sales-y. Last weekend we started watching the Mission:Impossible films in order. Fair to say they are of variable quality. However, my favourite … Keep reading