Daily note for 19 April 2023

No time for notes yesterday, was interviewing all day. So impressed by the calibre of people wanting to work in digital and tech roles in local government. The sector has a bright future if it keeps investing in people like this. This guide to content audits looks pretty useful https://lapope.notion.site/Content-audits-a-pragmatic-guide-ce6c08e8e1504f40a0a92370dd4817d7#108aee41ecf24506a432d4ebc9ca8ce5 If you have literally nothing … Keep reading

Daily note for 17 April 2023

Blog formats from Giles Turnbull. Just terrific. https://www.usethehumanvoice.com/formats/ Super interesting discussion about content moderation and specifically Substack. The use of internet platformsto spread hate speech is a problem as old as the internet, but it’s clearly not good enough for those stewarding platforms to stand back. The ‘Nazi bar’ analogy is new to me but … Keep reading

Daily note for 14 April 2023

This is a(nother) thing I am trying to get back into the habit of blogging regularly, recording and reflecting. I’m using Obsidian as a text editor for these notes. It has a connector to WordPress which means I can publish them at the end of the day with a single click. Having an offline space … Keep reading