Social Media game at NCVO

I had a fun day today at NCVO running a couple of workshops involving the social media game, a great way to put tools into some organisational context. A few participants asked where they could get a copy of the cards. The answer is here – there is a PDF to download, print out, cut … Keep reading

eDemocracy08 today

I will shortly be heading down to London to eDemocracy08, Headstar‘s annual shindig for anyone interested in how technology and democracy can be improved by one another. I actually have some involvement at this year’s event, having being generously invited by those friendly folk at Delib to share a panel session with Chris Quigley, Gez … Keep reading

ReadWriteGov content now up

I have finally gotten round to posting up some of the content from the ReadWriteGov event in Peterborough last month. Sadly there is no audio as the acoustics in the room, coupled with the lack of a lapel mic, meant the quality of the recording was, to be frank, piss-poor. Click a person’s name to … Keep reading