WordPress 4.0 is out

Oh, goody. A new version of WordPress is out! WordPress 4.0 is here, and it’s packed with new features: New media manager Embedded media now visual within the editor The editor now works more smoothly, expanding as necessary to fit your content and keeping the formatting tools visible at all times The plugin directory is … Keep reading

Houses and clouds

The Government Digital Service blog is essential reading. Two recent posts well worth a look: What is that beautiful house? The phrase “not a CMS” has become a bit of a joke around the GovUK office (to the point where more than a few people were humming Once In A Lifetime), but it’s a key … Keep reading

Saving lots of lolly with Learning Pool

Quickly grabbing some connectivity at a friend’s house, so I thought I would share this post – originally published on the Learning Pool blog – outlining just how much money the public sector has saved by working with us to deliver their training and collaboration online. Enjoy! Two hundred local authorities in England and Wales … Keep reading