UK Youth Online

Tim Davies has blogged again about UK Youth Online, the barcamp he is arranging for somewhere in London on 17 May. It reminded me that I have totally failed to post about it yet. What’s it all about? Well, according to the rather lovely invite Tim has designed: We are a collection of youth workers, … Keep reading


I attended my first Tuttle Club on Friday morning, and it was well worth having a day off work and the train fare down to London, not least because I got to meet Neville Hobson in person, finally, after several years on chatting online. We spent a happy time talking mobile devices, video, and Qik, … Keep reading

Down in London tomorrow

Have taken the day off work for a trip to London tomorrow to visit Lloyd Davis‘ Tuttle Club, or London Social Media Cafe. It’s going through an itinerant stage at the moment, finding a home wherever there are willing hosts and free wifi. You can find out more on the wiki – tomorrow’s meet is … Keep reading

Thoughts from barcampukgovweb

This is probably going to be the first post of many as I try and get my head around the barcamp, what it all meant, and what happens now. The latter is the most important, I feel. The day went well, everyone got along famously and it was brilliant – and worth the train fare … Keep reading