Back now

Well, I am back now and should be posting again more often. Here’s a few things I have been playing around with recently, some of these things may never see the light of day. I’m looking into trying to do for football discussion what Palimpsest did for books. Still not sure on the title. Stewart, … Keep reading

Chain Reading

Chain Reading. It’s like a social booklist keeping thing. Kind of. You select the book you are reading, and have read, and will read. Recommend them to people. Maybe they will recommend some to you. Fairly interesting. Of course, some people had this idea nearly 12 months ago…


Glypho appears to be a site offering collective authorship. It looks quite interesting, but at a guess I would say the quality of writing is probaby variable…

The problem with MyPimp, Bookmarking update

Have started to use MyPimp as I need a calendar and it makes sense to have one online. The contacts bit might be useful too. However, there is a big problem with it at the moment and that is that it only supports american date formats, i.e. today on MyPimp is 11/5/05, wheras my brain … Keep reading


On the recent discussion about browsers on Palimpsest, talk turned eventually to bookmarks, as one member had recently had a problem with Firefox deleting them all. Not sure how that happened, but it is a useful reminder that in Firefox you can back up your bookmarks by saving them to a HTML file. This is … Keep reading