Hello world!

I know, I know. It seems like I start a new blog every 5 minutes. But this is different. This time, I’m staying put. The whole FEconnect thing didn’t work for me, in the end. This was a big shame, because the blog proved pretty popular quite quickly. But what I realised was that there … Keep reading


Well, I was successful in my interview. So, from sometime in October, I will be a Change Manager at the Information Authority. My role is going to be a really exciting one: Establishing, supporting and maintaining communities of providers and data users to support the development and management of information and data standards for the … Keep reading


Well, I was successful in my interview. So, from sometime in October, I will be a Change Manager at the Information Authority. My role is going to be a really exciting one: Establishing, supporting and maintaining communities of providers and data users to support the development and management of information and data standards for the … Keep reading


For a while I have been wanting to put all the bits of work I do on social media into a little basket, just to organise it and let people know that the same person is behind them all. In addition to that, I have been playing about with Google Apps and wanting to find … Keep reading

What’s the point?

…of this blog? To be honest, it’s turned into a bit of a mess. It’s useful to have if only because it makes a handy archive of all the various bits and pieces I have written since I started blogging in 2004. But just recently it feels like the things I am writing about here … Keep reading