New website, with added blog

Hello! If you can see this, it means that Kind of Digital’s new website is now live. We’ve given things a new look, and have organised the content a bit better, to give folk visiting the site some kind of idea about what we actually do. A bigger change is that my blog, DavePress, is … Keep reading

Boring system announcement

If you can see this, it means I have managed to successfully rehost DavePress! Do me a favour and leave me a ‘hurrah!’ in the comments. It will a) make me feel better and b) help me to know everything is working ok. Also, various bits might be broken. If you spot something, do let … Keep reading

The DavePress survey

Hello everyone, welcome back after the easter break! I’d be really interested to find out more about the people who read this blog, and what they make of it. So, I threw together this little survey. It’s done in Google Docs, and if you can’t access it for some reason but would like to complete … Keep reading

Moving DavePress

After many frustrations with the company hosting this blog, I’ve finally given in and will be moving it. Am hoping to have it all done today (Sunday), but we’ll see how it goes. This might look janky for a bit. Thousands of pings might get resent. Loads of old posts might hit your RSS reader, … Keep reading