LGNM Podcast #1 – WordPress

Here’s the first LGNewMedia podcast. It’s the first in a short series about some of the great social media and Web2.0 tools that are available. This first one is about WordPress. I hope you enjoy it – please leave a comment with any feedback or queries. [audio:http://web.omnidrive.com/APIServer/public/4tXioJzOFMDKlmdLeEuQBC6c/LGNMP1.mp3] Download the podcast here. Show notes, including transcript … Keep reading

Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us

[youtube 6gmP4nk0EOE] This is a great video on YouTube by Michael Wesch of Kansas State University. I’ve seen it linked to in lots of places, but my main reason for repeating it here was to test the use of the WordPress Video Plugin, which seems excellent.

CSS Irritation

The theme I am using on this site at the moment, Fjords01!, is beatiful. But for some reason the CSS makes italics (through the em tag) appear like this. Until I get round to changing the stylesheet, I am having to edit the tags to be a simple ‘i’. It’s annoying. [tags] fjords01! theme[/tags]

Blog Woes and a New Start

Problems with the old blog mean that I have had to abandon it for now. At some point I’ll drag the old posts back through to this one. As it is, though, this represents a new start. I’ve installed the latest version of WordPress, 2.1 – released this evening – though I was tempted by … Keep reading

Counterize II

Counterize II is a cool WP plugin that allows you to track site stats within the WP dashboard. Nice and simple. Have installed it here and on hyprtext. [tags]wordpress, counterize, plugin[/tags]