Bookmarks for January 14th through January 21st

These are my links for January 14th through January 21st:

  • apophenia: Taken Out of Context — my PhD dissertation – Danah Boyd's PhD dissertation. Well worth a download.
  • Government 2.0 Club – "Government 2.0 Club is a national organization that brings together leading thinkers from government, academia and industry to share ideas and solutions for leveraging social media tools and Web 2.0 technologies to create a more collaborate, efficient and effective government — Government 2.0."
  • Anecdote: Profiting from Collaboration – "Google and P&G are both known for their innovation capabilities and strict internal policy. Driven by market forces, they made an exception. They swapped about two-dozen staffers who spent weeks dipping into each other's staff training programs and sitting in on meetings where business plans get hammered out. This is terrific example of purposeful collaboration delivering results."
  • DELL COMMUNITY – Great example of taking a community approach to customer service.
  • McLuhan Program – Research – Current Academic Research – "Because language is intimately integrated within the human mind, any technology that processes language in one way or another may have strong effects in the way the mind processes that content. Though they may have deciding common points such as plot, period and characters, a film adaptation is processed very differently by the mind of the viewer, than by that of the reader. "

Learning from Obama

Edelman have published an interesting white paper on what lessons can be learnt from Obama’s use of the social web in his campaign. It’s worth a read. Here’s the headline list of learning points: Start early Build to scale Innovate where necessary; do everything incrementally better Make it easy to find, forward and act Pick … Keep reading

If you don’t do it, someone else will

Here’s more proof. Birmingham City Council are asking for people’s views on their ‘Big City Plan’. They have even created a website to help people to do so. I asked Jon Bounds, Birmingham blogger extraordinaire, what was wrong with the Council’s approach. He answered: Not so much “wrong” per-se as we thought helping discussion (rather … Keep reading