My hopes for 2009

I wouldn’t be so foolish as to try and make some prediction for 2009, as they would be bound to turn out to be hideously wrong within a very short space of time. However, I feel a little safer writing a bit about what I hope will happen in the world of govweb / digital … Keep reading

Barcamp on Ning

The upcoming Barcamp for UK government webby stuff now has a social network, thanks to Ning! In many ways, this is a copycat …err… following good practice attempt after the excellent network set up by Tim Davies for the UK Youth Online event back in September. Having a more social environment for people to talk … Keep reading

FixMyStreet on DirectGov!

Tom Watson reports via Twitter that MySociety’s FixMyStreet is now embedded in DirectGov. On the page in question, a boxout gives you the option of reporting a problem via FixMyStreet rather than through the usual route of DirectGov linking you through to your local authority. An interesting example of making volunteer effort a part of … Keep reading

Putting Citizens First: Transforming Online Government

Paul Canning points us to some remarkably good stuff from government web folk from across the pond in the States: a white paper called Putting Citizens First: Transforming Online Government. Paul writes: That such a document could exist is solely because webbies in US government are organised and have a voice. ‘Webbies’ meaning professionals with … Keep reading

Cloudcamb notes

Here are the notes I mananged to make at CloudCamb, which was organised jolly well by Matt Wood (MZA on twitter). Simone Brunozzi, Technical Evangelist, Amazon Web Services (simon on twitter) Cloud computing helps answer the ‘prediction problem’ – knowing what your tech needs will be in the future Need to expand to take advantage … Keep reading