links for 2006-11-18

PhilTube (tags: blogging blogs humor video) NewsPortal WordPress Theme Released (tags: theme wordpress blogging)

links for 2006-11-16

Pearson to publish book via wiki (tags: wiki pearson hobson book business)

links for 2006-11-15

For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report (tags: podcast fir hobson holtz) BBC NEWS | Technology | User paid to uninstall Windows XP (tags: linux windows news dell)

Performancing Metrics to go Open Source?

Performancing Metrics, a great free service for bloggers to analyse how people are reading their stuff, is currently too expensive to maintain, and Performancing are considering taking it open source: The biggest pull on company resources is Metrics. Our pro-grade blog analytics service. It currently has around 16,000 registered blogs using it, and though it’s … Keep reading

links for 2006-11-14

Popular Blog Posts (tags: blogging) Google Analytics Blog: Tip: A cross-segment for bloggers (tags: Analytics Google statistics Blogging traffic) The Long Tail, the Long Term and Your Blog (tags: blogging longtail rubel) You Only Live Once (tags: secondlife) Social and Enterprise Groupware Primer (tags: groupware web2.0 collaboration) Creating Passionate Users: Add graphics to your blog, … Keep reading