Glypho appears to be a site offering collective authorship. It looks quite interesting, but at a guess I would say the quality of writing is probaby variable…
An online notebook
Glypho appears to be a site offering collective authorship. It looks quite interesting, but at a guess I would say the quality of writing is probaby variable…
Horrible! From Guardian Technology: “Prosecutors claim a Mac specialist on trial in connection with the killing of his wife did a Google search for the words: “neck snap break” and “hold” before she was killed. Robert Petrick, who is defending himself in Durham, NC, cross examined a computer forensics expert this week. The expert testified … Keep reading
From Guido Fawkes’ blog.
I have a job interview on Friday, for a job in Scrutiny at Chester City Council. Am quite confident and am looking forward to the idea of getting back into Scrutiny. Browsing the Council’s website, it would appear that some of their councillors are blogging. Excellent!
Great post from John Naughton. The United Nations have released a Word file which, in the meta data and changes tracking, reveals some pretty embarassing edits… When will people learn to stop using MS file formats to distribute material?