Blogger Struggling?

From Buzz Marketing with Blogs: Google’s Blogger Stumbles InfoWorld’s reporting that Google’s Blogger faces performance problems.  Interestingly, Infoworld got the story how? Because Blogger blogged about it. We have a client who uses Blogger, and has been having issues updating her site for the past several weeks, on and off, especially during peak times. If you … Keep reading

Improbable Research

From The Guardian: The strange case of the homosexual necrophiliac duck pushed out the boundaries of knowledge in a rather improbable way when it was recorded by Dutch researcher Kees Moeliker. It may have ruffled a few feathers, but it earned him the coveted Ig Nobel prize for biology awarded for improbable research, and next … Keep reading

Another quiet few days

Not much happened over the weekend, spent a lot of time helping out with the Elmcroft Associates website. Other than that, didn’t get near the computer at the weekend. Plenty of stuff to catch up on…

Viral Marketing Manifesto

From Scoble. 1) Make sure the “brand” you’re building in people’s heads matches what you actually want people to think about. 2) To have something go viral, you actually need to do something that will make people talk. Games that are fun are generally good, but won’t work for all products. With Honda their “cog … Keep reading