Blogging Blah Blah Blah

Ken Leebow links to this article by Radley Balko (!) on Fox News. U.S. News & World Report reported last week that several senior Republican senators — upon hearing that “blogs” had uncovered the Dan Rather scandal, helped to defeat Tom Daschle and pushed for the resignation of CNN executive Eason Jordan — demanded that … Keep reading

Blogging Wiki

I have started to plan a new site which will aim to collect together all the information anyone could ever possibly want to know about blogging, from introductory stuff for the beginner right through to techinical articles for the experienced web wonk; taking in personal and corporate blogging; and offering hints, tips and hacks for … Keep reading

Blogging at the BBC

Great article on the use of RSS, blogs and wikis at the BBC. Just a few minutes ago, I got an email with the title “Your blog could cost you your job.” Needless to say, I sat up and took notice. It turns out to be a link to this article, which paints a dystopian … Keep reading

How To Write Killer Blog Posts

…and More Compelling Comments. How To Write Killer Blog Posts Some very good advice here. Here’s the first 3 to give you a flavour: Writing Blog Posts Declarative sentences are good. Web readers demand them. Link like crazy. One thing that distinguishes blog posts from dead-tree journalism is that bloggers link prodigiously. Link to any … Keep reading

A Few Changes

I have made a few changes to the blog layout, all on the strip down the right hand side. Most noticable is the list of recent links from the Link Blog, which is created using FeedRoll. Not entirely happy with the presentation at the moment, but it might be useful for casual readers to see … Keep reading