Daily note for 19 January 2024

A minor innovation in these daily notes – pulling out the occasional quote from some of the links, and then using a horizontal line to provide some separation. Also using the lines to make it clear when a multiple-paragraph comment from me is over. Like this!: “I Made This”: In its current state, generative AI … Keep reading

Daily note for 22 November 2023

Raindrop is very good for social bookmarking it turns out. Mine are here. As well as Neilly Neil’s welcome return to blogging, Lloyd is also publishing stuff on a more regular basis. This can only be a good thing. Tuesday’s was a good one, I thought. Some awesome advice here on how to write a … Keep reading

Brief notes on why I am cautious on AI/LLMs

I was asked the other day for my quick view on the current buzz around AI and large language models, machine learning etc. Pasting here for posterity! I think my slightly cautious view on LLMs etc is based on two things: First, it’s being latched onto by people as a way of leap-frogging over doing … Keep reading