Five for Friday – 7 March 2014

Five for Friday is WorkSmart’s weekly roundup of interesting stuff from the week’s reading. Attention, Please! PC Programs to Stave Off Distraction – can technology help you stop wasting time with technology? Oppia – a Google 20% project to “enable students to learn by doing online” The trajectory of ‘cultural change’ matters, as Microsoft demonstrates … Keep reading

Pulling, Not Pushing: How To Make Me Pay Attention

In my previous post about online listening, I mentioned RepKnight, a soon to launch lightweight tool for tracking keywords across social media services. In this guest post, RepKnight’s Lyra McKee talks about getting people’s attention online without irritating them. Social media is like the Internet in 1999; no one’s quite sure how best to use … Keep reading

Organising my feeds

I recently undertook the task of organising all my feeds into folders in FeedDemon – before this I had just the one (very) long list of sites I checked, not broken up in any way. This had become unmanageable. So, here are the folders I have created, in order of the attention I give them. … Keep reading