Great resources for online community building

At the weekend I got my copy of Rich Millington‘s new book, Buzzing Communities, through the post. It’s excellent and provides everything you need to know about building successful online communities. Thinking seriously about community building is something that I think digital engagement efforts in government and beyond are lacking a lot of the time. In … Keep reading

The Community Roundtable

I hadn’t come across this before, but the Community Roundtable looks like quite a useful resource. It describes itself as a virtual table where social media and community practitioners gather to meet, discuss challenges, celebrate successes, and hear from experts. …which sounds rather fun. Two things on the site caught my eye this afternoon. First … Keep reading

The importance of community management

One of the great arguments in favour of employing social web tools is the fact that they are pretty quick, and usually cheap, to put together. However, that’s not taking into account the other costs, one of which is managing the community created by such sites. This entails a number of things: welcoming new people, … Keep reading