What a year!

There’s not long left of 2008 now. It’s been one of the most remarkable years of my life. I started it living in Mawsley, near Kettering, which I and my family hated. We then moved to Broughton, also near Kettering, which was better. Now I’m typing this in the study in our house in Cottenham, … Keep reading

Another new DavePress look

I’ve given DavePress yet another facelift. This one is a lot lighter and hopefully more friendly too. Personally, I especially like the ‘adverts’ in the top right corner, pimping my social media wares, such as my newsletter, ReadWriteGov and LGSearch. There is still some tidying up to do, but I’m nearly there…

Busy, busy

Sorry for the light blogging of late, but I have been jolly busy of late, not least with moving house. I’m now resident in Cottenham, near Cambridge. Do come and say hello if you are ever nearby. Here’s a couple of morsels to chew on before I can get back in the blogging swing of … Keep reading