What is the role of government on the web?

Gerry McGovern has been writing an excellent trio of posts on the topic of government and the web. He has identified five things that government should be addressing: Get away from a technology obsession Manage customer top tasks, not government websites Get politicians off government websites Stop government vanity publishing Develop a government archive He … Keep reading

ICELE Press Release

It’s a bit like picking a scab, this – kinda painful but at the same time irresistable. Anyway, seeing as this blog has become semi-official place for ICELE-related news, I thought it only reasonable to provide the latest in the saga – this time in the form of a  press release from ICELE: Cllr Matthew … Keep reading

Personal Democracy Forum

Interesting article on TechCrunch about the Personal Democracy Forum taking place in New York next week: It’s also time for more industry leaders to push politicians to take a more forward-thinking approach to how government distributes public information. We hear a lot these days about how the internet is affecting the election, which PdF will … Keep reading