Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: PLN or CoP? How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses Big data: Ten level taxonomy in learning Five characteristics of authentic social innovation – @andy_williamson 4chan’s Christopher Poole: I Was A Teenage Coder—And Then I Stopped Rebalancing our Cultural Capital Teenagers … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: emacs bites – learn emacs and lisp in bite sized chunks The real deal | by @helenmilner Citizens Advice Bureau: showing things aren’t working as they should Remembering the Apple Newton’s Prophetic Failure and Lasting Impact You can’t write an app to fix a broken system … Keep reading

Announcing moreopen micro-grants

Cross-posted from the new blog over on, here Steph announces some small-scale funding available for public sector-oriented digital events and projects: As UKGovcamp 2011 fades into the memory, and exciting events such as ShropCamp (19 April) hove into view, it’s time to formally lift the veil on our mini grant scheme to help get more … Keep reading