Five for Friday (14/7/2017)

Another Friday, another fistful of linkitude. Digital Workplace Leader – a fun looking job going at Thanet District Council. “The digital workplace leader will be an experienced professional who leads the effort to create a work environment that exploits digital trends and encourages digital dexterity through the adroit use of technology. The goal is to … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: emacs bites – learn emacs and lisp in bite sized chunks The real deal | by @helenmilner Citizens Advice Bureau: showing things aren’t working as they should Remembering the Apple Newton’s Prophetic Failure and Lasting Impact You can’t write an app to fix a broken system … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Joho the Blog » [2b2k] Knowledge in its natural state PSFK Future of Work Report 2013 Donald Clark Plan B: More holes in Sugata Mitra’s ‘Hole-in-Wall’ project Digital Leadership or just leadership? | Curiouscatherine’s Blog David Wilcox » Much discussion about networking local government – now … Keep reading

Power lines

The RSA have just published a rather interesting paper that is well worth a flick through. The paper argues that the government’s efforts to build the Big Society are too focused on citizen-led service delivery. An approach based on utilising and building people’s social networks, which largely determine our ability to create change and influence … Keep reading

Yammer gets a facelift

We’re big fans of Yammer at Learning Pool – it’s provided that virtual water-cooler that a distributed workforce really needs. That mixture of work related updates, general chit-chat and abuse that any office needs to function effectively. If you aren’t aware of Yammer, it’s like Twitter but it is private to the employees of your … Keep reading