LocalGovCamp London

Thursday’s LocalGovCamp in London was superbly organised by Anke Holst and her team. I was involved in one session, which was to by about internet culture and whether that’s the interesting thing local government ought to be taking on board, rather than stressing about whether or not they should be using Twitter. Flickr credit: Arun … Keep reading

Yet more gadding about

Another busy week, this one. On Wednesday, Learning Pool are hosting another local government breakfast meeting, at Coventry City Council’s offices. We’ll have a range of contributors from local authorities, as well as me. Details here – do come if you can. Thursday is LocalGovCamp day, this time in London. Well done to Anke Holst … Keep reading


Carl Haggerty has launched a great initiative down in Devon: Carl writes: It would be great to get public sector professionals, voluntary organisations and business people involved in these areas all together and working through some of these issues and topics – Basically, i’d imagine the event to involve anyone who has an interest and … Keep reading