LINK: “Smart London Camp 2018”

Yesterday [Rob Miller] joined a large group of people whose idea of the best way to spend a beautiful sunny Saturday was to gather together in London’s City Hall and discuss ideas for ways that London can get the most out of the opportunities that ‘smart city’ developments offer. Original:

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Tales of the city: the rise of the local blog – "In its daily blogposts, Spitalfields Life aims to portray the full colour of life in London's East End. But who is the mysterious 'Gentle Author' behind this extraordinary work of social history?" Apache Cordova … Keep reading

Introduction to Public Sector Digital Engagement LONDON & SE

Tuesday 25th October 2011 Feedback from previous Digital Engagement workshop The workshop provided me with a better understanding of the advantages & pitfalls of social media – Tourism Development Officer, Ceredigion County Council The workshop was informative and lent itself well to interaction with well thought out activities – PR Officer, Coleg Morgannwg Useful insights and experiences … Keep reading

CityCamp London

Dominic and his team at FutureGov did a fabulous job of running CityCamp London this weekend. Sadly I could only make Friday afternoon’s ‘stimulate’ session, which saw a roomful of people at the RSA get together to listen to some great talks about cities, technology and design. But following the tweets over the weekend for … Keep reading