Working openly on the web

There was a nice guest post from Doug Belshaw from Mozilla on Brian Kelly’s blog last week. Entitled What Does Working Openly on the Web Mean in Practice?, it told us a bit about Mozilla’s culture of openness and how it ties into web based working. Here’s a quick quote: Working open is not only … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: David Wilcox » As the Knowledge Hub faces closure, might a creative Twitter mob help with re-invention? the 73-year old Excel spreadsheet artist Make and share useful lists | Gini Google Reader alternatives | Gini Some things I’ve learnt about public speaking | John Graham-Cumming Evan … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: The Myth and the Millennialism of “Disruptive Innovation” nvpy 0.9.4 : Python Package Index Ubuntu Guide for Mac Converts Knowledge Hub: Good CoP or Bad CoP? | markbraggins On Changing the Rules of Digital Humanities from the Inside Ted Nelson’s ComParadigm in OneLiners Linux Bumps Windows … Keep reading