Digital workplace with Sharon O’Dea

I really enjoyed this conversation with Sharon O’Dea about the digital workplace. She shares an absolute tonne of insight into how organisations have responded to remote working in lockdown, what impact that has had on the use of internal technology, and what culture and behaviour change is going to be needed in future. I managed to exert … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Getting things done with Google Tasks A Beginner’s Guide to Pinboard — Shawn Blanc Announcing a digital health information network | Helen Milner FutureLearn & the role of MOOCs – The Ed Techie Communities of practice and the nature of knowledge < great stuff from @curiousc … Keep reading

How the digital workplace is transforming office life

Great talk from Sharon O’Dea: By moving information and services online, successful companies enable their staff to work from any location, and almost any device, so that work becomes what you do, not where you go. In this session, learn how the digital workplace supports more flexible working, reduces costs – and makes employees happier … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Joho the Blog » [2b2k] Knowledge in its natural state PSFK Future of Work Report 2013 Donald Clark Plan B: More holes in Sugata Mitra’s ‘Hole-in-Wall’ project Digital Leadership or just leadership? | Curiouscatherine’s Blog David Wilcox » Much discussion about networking local government – now … Keep reading