Skunkworks videos

Today I came across two useful videos featuring Mark O’Neil – a CIO in central government and the guy that heads up the government skunkworks – talking about his work. They can be found via the UKauthorITy site: Skunkworks: How can it help you? Is Skunkworks a game-changer? I wrote a bit about skunkworks and … Keep reading

If not skunkworks, then maybe creative collaborations?

On my recent two posts on bringing the idea of skunkworks to local government, several people made the extremely reasonable point that I probably wasn’t really talking about skunkworks at all. Steph said in the comments: …it seems to me that we’re at risk of hanging more onto the ‘skunkworks’ peg than it’s fair to … Keep reading

Bookmarks for December 30th through January 9th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Engagement advice – Mick reports on a good list of engagement tips via @govloop Our Society – "Our Society aims to connect people who are genuinely concerned to move power into communities." Can you help? – Personal and Self Directed Learning tool – Carl needs … Keep reading