What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Tales of the city: the rise of the local blog – "In its daily blogposts, Spitalfields Life aims to portray the full colour of life in London's East End. But who is the mysterious 'Gentle Author' behind this extraordinary work of social history?" Apache Cordova … Keep reading

Bookmarks for December 30th through January 9th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Engagement advice – Mick reports on a good list of engagement tips via @govloop Our Society – "Our Society aims to connect people who are genuinely concerned to move power into communities." Can you help? – Personal and Self Directed Learning tool – Carl needs … Keep reading

Public Sector Online 2010

Tomorrow (that’s Monday, 4th October) I’ll be at The Guardian‘s Public Sector Online conference, which looks like it should be a great day. I’m on at 15:30, for the closing panel titled “Innovation in social media”. Here’s the skinny: As more people use social networking sites to keep informed, and organisations use them to spread … Keep reading