
One of the real successes of Saturday’s government barcamp was the large turnout of local government folk, which was great to see. This has set me thinking that there must be sufficient numbers of peope who would be interested in a specific local government event in an unconference style. I’ve started a discussion about it … Keep reading

Barcamping today

This morning, over 130 people interested in the way government uses the web will be descending on London to, well, have a bit of a natter. There has already been plenty of chat on the event social network, and hopefully this will mean we can really hit the ground running with all the sessions people … Keep reading

Barcamp on Ning

The upcoming Barcamp for UK government webby stuff now has a social network, thanks to Ning! In many ways, this is a copycat …err… following good practice attempt after the excellent network set up by Tim Davies for the UK Youth Online event back in September. Having a more social environment for people to talk … Keep reading