📅 Daily note for 26 January 2024

Remember my course! It might be really helpful for you or a colleague! Excellent podcast about what Iran is up to these days. Giles thinks learning materials in organisations ought to be better quality, and of course he is right. Simon Wardley shares some thoughts on project delivery that are well worth reading. The Future … Keep reading

Interesting links 18 March 2022

Things I’ve seen that are worth sharing. The Policymaking / DDAT Divide – Jerry Fishenden Despite politicians’ grand ambitions for DDaT since at least 1996, it’s had relatively little impact on radical government renewal and reform. Yet the political ambition has remained fairly constant during these 26 years: to ensure users are the focus, not … Keep reading

Look and feel

If you visit this site in a browser, rather than just getting the content via your RSS reader, you’ll notice it looks a bit different. I have reverted the site to the new default theme for WordPress whilst I figure out how I want the site to look in the future. Previously I was using … Keep reading