See, local gov *can* do Facebook

One of the highlights of last Wednesday’s LGComms event was hearing about Coventry City Council‘s Facebook page. If you click to see the larger image, you’ll notice that the page has 11,321 fans (as at the time of writing). 11,321! Remarkable stuff. As I wrote, quite a while ago now, it’s tricky to use Facebook … Keep reading

UK GovCamp 2010

The UK govcamp event is happening on the 23rd January. Everyone should have had an email who has a ticket to come – if you think you ought to have had something, but haven’t, please let me know! It’s an unconference, so if you are coming, please do come prepared to talk about something. Discussions … Keep reading

Government 2010

Government 2010 looks like it will be a lot of fun. It’s a conference about the future of government: Government 2010 is about improved government communications and more rapid delivery of services to citizens via the web, and web-enabled channels. It also features some people I really respect on the speaker list: Tom Watson Harry … Keep reading