CoPs in the Telegraph

Simon Dickson pointed me to a post on the Telegraph‘s Three Line Whip blog about the IDeA Communities of Practice platform: These ‘Communities of Practice’ are an attempt, according to their creators, to harness the power of social networking to share problems, ideas and expertise. It seems like a worthy idea – but is still … Keep reading

Social Media Big Day Out

I’m the (or rather now, ‘a’, but more on that later) facilitator at an online community of practice for social media and online collaboration using the Communities of Practice platform put together by Steve Dale at the Improvement and Development Agency. It’s ostensibly for local government, but I like to operate a big tent, and … Keep reading


FriendFeed is an interesting service, which I was alerted to by Neville Hobson. It enables you to create a ‘lifestream’ – a list of all your interactions with various social networking sites. It create a narrative list of, for example, tweets, blog posts, flickr postings, youtube videos, links etc etc. As an example, here’s … Keep reading

links for 2008-02-24

Terraminds twitter search Cool Twitter search engine. Better than mine, anyway. (tags: twitter search tools searchengine mashup)